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Showing posts from June, 2013

Video: Luvin Hair Company Malaysian Straight hair Reivew!

Puffy, dry, damanged hair? Heres the solution! Hair Porosity!

Have you had enought with your hair dry and brittle hair? Does it puff up so easily once you step outside, after your working so long and hard on flat ironing and/or styling your hair? Does humidity totally ruin your hair and make you not want to wear your own hair out? Or what about relaxers not taking for you relaxed girls? Does your hair not get straight after relaxing your new growth, even though you leave it on long enough? I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL! My previous post about my HAIR MELT DOWN promted me to do so serious research so I can find out what the heck is wrong with my hair. My research brought me to  where I learned about the porosity of hair. Some hair is more porous than others. There is normal hair, low porous hair, and high porous hair. This can happen with relaxed or natural hair! In order to tell you your hair is normal, low or high in porosity, do the strand and water test found here.  Snap off a small strand of hair off of your hair ...

My Hair Regimen! 10 steps to healthy hair!

Hey bloggers! I wanted to share with you the products that I have been using to create my hair regimen while on my long, healthy hair journey! These are the steps I have began to take in order to help me reach my goal to mid-back lenght hair by next year: 1) Relaxing further apart/stretching my relaxer -I discovered I was putting too much relaxer on my hair and I was over processing it. I was also relaxing too often. I will try to streach my relaxers for at least 4 months. 2) Using Miconozole Nitrate (Monistat )-Miconozole nitrate helps rid the scalp of bacteria. This promotes growth. 3) Taking Biotin pills -These pills can be found at Walmart, CVS or Walgreens, or probably anywhere vitamins are sold. It helps promote growth and good health of hair and nails. 4) Washing my hair more often -....but not TOO often. Instead of washing once a month, I wash twice to help get rid of build up on my scalp, thus promoting growth. 4) Protein treatments -I started using an egg and ma...

Video-Model Model Deep Invisible part review-Americano wig!

Video-Model Model Deep Invisible Part review-Latte Wig

Video-Model Model Invisible Part review-Festival Wig!